The Art of Discovering Well-Made Things, Choosing Wisely, and Enjoying a Live Well Lived

A book about the things that matter most
Written in German, Dirk Hohnstraeter’s latest book Qualität! Von der Kunst, gut gemachte Dinge zu entdecken, klug zu wählen und genussvoll zu leben explores the importance of quality in the economy and everyday life.
Published in 2021 by the renowned Viennese publishing house Brandstätter, the long-selling book received five-star reviews and has been featured more than 30 times in print, TV, radio, and podcasts in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Unfortunately, an English translation is not currently available. Meanwhile, enjoy the images of the beautifully designed book and contact my agent if you’re a publisher in the English-speaking world. 😉

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Dirk Hohnsträter
Von der Kunst, gut gemachte Dinge zu entdecken, klug zu wählen und genussvoll zu leben
Wien: Brandstätter Verlag 2021
232 pages
ISBN 978-3-7106-0509-3
€ 25,00 | E-Book € 20,99
Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher.